Supplies: instant chocolate pudding mix, cold milk, mixing bowl, spoon, tall glass vase or dessert glass, whipped cream, sprinkles, cherries and other things to make a fun dessert
- Each and every one of us is like Joseph. Every one of us is like this chocolate pudding powder. By ourselves, we are good people (taste pudding powder). Not bad but God has a greater plan for you, a greater plan for this pudding.
- To make you better and ready to fulfill God’s plan, the Bible says in John 16:33 “We will have troubles.” There will be times when you feel like you are drowning (pour the milk). Sometimes you may feel like you are drowning in homework and chores.
- To make you better, you may not understand why you are getting beaten up (start whipping the milk and pudding). Why are your friends not your friends anymore? Why is the school bully picking on you? Once you have survived school, you look pretty good and you think, “o.k., now I can fulfill God’s plan for me. I have persevered.”
- But wait, your parents tell you are moving. Moving away from your friends, your school and everything you love (use spoon to slap some pudding into the tall clear glass).
- You survived the move and start making new friends (add some whipped cream) but then your parents tell you have to join a sports team that has games on Saturdays and you are no longer going to be able to watch Saturday morning cartoons (slap some more chocolate on top of the whipped cream)
- You survived sports and decided you liked it (add some whipped cream) but then the season is over (if you have more chocolate, add it. Continue to alternate pudding and whipped cream until done.) Life goes on pretty good and you get accustomed to times with sports and no cartoons and times with cartoons and no sports.
- You think things are pretty good but then your parents tell you that times are tough and they can no longer afford to pay for sports and worse yet, they are turning off the cable so no more Cartoon Network, no more Disney Channel. You feel like you are being crushed (smash some graham crackers and pour on top)
- Well, time goes by and you think you are doing pretty good. You have friends, you are doing well in school. You have collected quarters representing every State and are expanding your coin collection (add whipped cream)
- Then a hurricane comes. (start pelting with sprinkles) It rains. The wind is fierce.
Things get worse. (starting adding cherries) You feel like someone punched you in the stomach when you realized the water from the hurricane ruined your clothes, ruined your toys, ruined your video games and then the worst of all, in all the confusion of trying to clean up, you lost your coin collection. - You survive. Your parents rebuild. You rebuild and once again you have a nice home and new toys and your friends are so nice that they all collect some coins and give them to you to replace your lost coins. (finish decorating the dessert)
- You are a better person for all your trouble. Now you are ready to be a light for God. When a new kid starts in school, you know just how they feel and are a friend to them. One of your friends no longer gets Cartoon Network and you know just what to do to have fun without watching t.v. The next hurricane you know just what to do to help others rebuild and feel better. You are an example of God’s love.
- John 16:33 says you will have troubles but these troubles only make you stronger, make you smarter, makes you better. Just like this dessert. The powder was good but it sure is better with milk. Pudding was good but it sure is better with whipped cream. The pudding and whipped cream are good but they sure are better with toppings. Trouble will come your way but you will survive and you will be a better person for it.